Welcome to

Genie Food

Our story

We have been helping people cook not just follow recipes but make it more efficient and creating a lifestyle that leads to global healthy life since 2018. In the global era, is most precious in humans’ life. We are here to make a maximum of what we have right now. We created those products which feel as good as farm-fresh, and save 40% of your kitchen time, the products we processed are procured directly from farmers which can lead you to have a proper taste of homemade as well as enhances taste buds. If you make sure we deliver more than your expectation then only we win your heart. We have been serving to lead restaurants in Ahmedabad city.

Why Plastic?

The materials we have used are not one-time use. We want you to use those jars again and again. We make sure to give our packages gets recycled by partnering with the recycled plastic manufacturers only.

We are making sure we be the cause to make climate control. We do not only make food. We make sure we save the environment too.

Founders Message

We tried becoming Genie of your kitchen which knows what you want and serves you exactly the same. At Genie, we serve what we eat. We serve you those products which we use at our homes. We established our network in such a manner that you get our products wherever possible. We hustle with local taste with no compromise on quality which we made possible. We only give quality. I hope you keep up with us to serve you better. We will keep evolving with our products which are best to use in your kitchen.

Why Cook?

Cooking is good for you. It is good for family health. You can make sure how much amount of water, oil, salt, sugar, and masalas you want your family to have. It can bring all of your together. You probably know all of these but it is really a tedious job and we are here to become genies of your kitchen which makes sure you use the right products and make the best of all the ingredients to show your loved ones your love.  We are just here to give you a little boost.

Meet the Team

What we offers? Minimal will provide you support if you have any problems, our support team will reply within a day and we also have detailed documentation.

Farm Services

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Farm Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at pellentesque diam.

Farm Services

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at pellentesque diam.

Why choose Genie Food

Nunc tincidunt libero eget libero mattis, sit amet cursus justo imperdiet. Vivamus maximus mi sit amet euismod ornare. Nulla a est vitae nulla vestibulum vestibulum. Curabitur odio diam, vestibulum vel eros vitae, mollis semper erat.

Phasellus in est quis metus tincidunt cursus eget at diam. Morbi iaculis quam in convallis lobortis. Duis egestas, risus pretium posuere porttitor, orci erat gravida purus, a mattis diam neque at elit. Duis non mollis ex. Quisque vulputate bibendum dictum. Vestibulum luctus ullamcorper tortor, vel mattis arcu aliquam eget. Nulla molestie facilisis ligula. Praesent in risus malesuada, dapibus sem vitae, varius nunc. Cras ante lectus, lobortis vel ultricies sit amet, volutpat non velit.

12,563 Organic Products

24 Countries

2345 Friendly Farmers

Adaptive Fit

We have done CHOPPING, GRINDING, FARMING, and SLOTTING you just do eating/ quick cooking. Cooking in no time is what we aim for.

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